The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared – Jonas Jonasson (Review)


Publisher: Hesperus Press Limited, 2012 (UK edition)
Pages: 387
Genre: Literary, comedy
[Translated by Ray Bradbury]

“Instead, he thought that he had probably been mistaken all those years when he’d sat in the Old People’s Home, feeling that he might as well die and leave it all. However many aches and pains he suffered, it had to be much more interesting and instructive to be on the run from Director Alice than to be lying rigid six feet under.” p9

Allan Karlsson is not your typical 100 year-old man. Tired of life at the old people’s home where he resides, on the day of his 100th birthday party Allan decides to escape – by climbing out of his bedroom window. This escape marks the start of the centenarian’s adventure across Sweden as he meets a host of unlikely companions along the way.

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